Mar 11, 2014

Instagram Actualy Does Your Pictures A Favour.

Go ahead, ask any youngster around you: selfies are serious business. No one is more mindful of that universal truth than Instagram, which is why it pushed out yetanother iOS app updateearlier today. No, there aren't any new filters (isn't 19 enough?) -- instead, the company brought some much-needed control to its Lux feature.
Lux (a.k.a. that little sun icon that makes pictures look better) was originally added to help mobile photogs salvage their underexposed, anemic-looking shots. The big caveat? It was an all-or-nothing affair, with no way to find the middle ground between the original image and the occasionally over-the-top Luxified result. Today's update adds a much-needed slider to the mix so you can decide just how dramatic the effect should be. If you're feeling particularly devious, you can crank down the Lux to desaturate your shots, too. Alas, there's no word on when the tweaked feature will hit Androidor Windows Phone, but hey -- there's no shortage of photo editingapps to get the job done until it arrives.

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